FetchQuoteResponse: {
    ed25519_pubkey: string;
    mr_enclave: string;
    now: number;
    oracle_pubkey: string;
    queue: string;
    quote: string;
    secp256k1_pubkey: string;

The Quote info from the gateway_fetch_quote endpoint

Type declaration

  • ed25519_pubkey: string

    The oracle's ed25519 pubkey

  • mr_enclave: string

    The oracle's enclave measurement

  • now: number

    The current timestamp used for generating the checksum

  • oracle_pubkey: string

    The oracle's pubkey

  • queue: string

    The oracle's queue pubkey

  • quote: string

    The base64 encoded quote

  • secp256k1_pubkey: string

    The oracle's secp256k1 pubkey

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