Abstraction around the Switchboard-On-Demand Queue account

This account is used to store the queue data for a given feed.


  • Constructs a OnDemandQueue instance.


    • program: Program<Idl>

      The Anchor program instance.

    • pubkey: PublicKey

      The public key of the queue account.

    Returns Queue


program: Program<Idl>

The Anchor program instance.

pubkey: PublicKey

The public key of the queue account.


  • Adds a new MR enclave to the queue. This will allow the queue to accept signatures from the given MR enclave.


    • params: {
          mrEnclave: Uint8Array;
      • mrEnclave: Uint8Array

    Returns Promise<TransactionInstruction>

    A promise that resolves to the transaction instruction.


    if the request fails.


    if the MR enclave is already added.


    if the MR enclave is invalid.


    if the MR enclave is not a valid length.

  • Fetches most recently added and verified Oracle Key.

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

    A promise that resolves to an oracle public key.


    if the request fails.

  • Loads the queue data from on chain and returns the listed oracle keys.

    Returns Promise<PublicKey[]>

    A promise that resolves to an array of oracle public keys.

  • Fetches signatures from a random gateway on the queue.

    REST API endpoint: /api/v1/fetch_signatures


    • params: {
          gateway?: string;
          jobs: OracleJob[];
          maxVariance?: bigint;
          minResponses?: number;
          numSignatures?: number;
          recentHash?: string;
      • Optional gateway?: string
      • jobs: OracleJob[]
      • Optional maxVariance?: bigint
      • Optional minResponses?: number
      • Optional numSignatures?: number
      • Optional recentHash?: string

    Returns Promise<FeedEvalResponse[]>

    A promise that resolves to the feed evaluation responses.


    if the request fails.

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          lutSlot?: number;
          overrideStakePool?: PublicKey;
      • Optional lutSlot?: number
      • Optional overrideStakePool?: PublicKey

    Returns Promise<TransactionInstruction>

  • Loads the queue data for this Queue account from on chain.

    Returns Promise<any>

    A promise that resolves to the queue data.


    if the queue account does not exist.

  • Removes all MR enclaves from the queue.

    Returns Promise<TransactionInstruction[]>

    A promise that resolves to an array of transaction instructions.


    if the request fails.

  • Removes an MR enclave from the queue. This will prevent the queue from accepting signatures from the given MR enclave.


    • params: {
          mrEnclave: Uint8Array;
      • mrEnclave: Uint8Array

    Returns Promise<TransactionInstruction>

    A promise that resolves to the transaction instruction.


    if the request fails.


    if the MR enclave is not present.

  • Sets the queue configurations.


    • params: {
          authority?: PublicKey;
          nodeTimeout?: number;
          reward?: number;
      • Optional authority?: PublicKey

        The new authority for the queue.

      • Optional nodeTimeout?: number

        The new node timeout for the queue.

      • Optional reward?: number

        The new reward for the queue.

    Returns Promise<TransactionInstruction>

    A promise that resolves to the transaction instruction.

  • Sets the oracle permission on the queue.


    • params: {
          enable: boolean;
          oracle: PublicKey;
          permission: SwitchboardPermission;
      • enable: boolean
      • oracle: PublicKey

        The oracle to set the permission for.

      • permission: SwitchboardPermission

        The permission to set.

    Returns Promise<TransactionInstruction>

    A promise that resolves to the transaction instruction

  • Parameters

    • program: Program<Idl>
    • params: {
          allowAuthorityOverrideAfter?: number;
          lutSlot?: number;
          maxQuoteVerificationAge?: number;
          nodeTimeout?: number;
          requireAuthorityHeartbeatPermission?: boolean;
          requireUsagePermission?: boolean;
          reward?: number;
      • Optional allowAuthorityOverrideAfter?: number
      • Optional lutSlot?: number
      • Optional maxQuoteVerificationAge?: number
      • Optional nodeTimeout?: number
      • Optional requireAuthorityHeartbeatPermission?: boolean
      • Optional requireUsagePermission?: boolean
      • Optional reward?: number

    Returns Promise<[Queue, Keypair, TransactionInstruction]>

  • Parameters

    • program: Program<Idl>
    • params: {
          gateway?: string;
          jobs: OracleJob[];
          maxVariance?: bigint;
          minResponses?: number;
          numSignatures?: number;
          queue: PublicKey;
          recentHash?: string;
      • Optional gateway?: string
      • jobs: OracleJob[]
      • Optional maxVariance?: bigint
      • Optional minResponses?: number
      • Optional numSignatures?: number
      • queue: PublicKey
      • Optional recentHash?: string

    Returns Promise<Buffer>


    Deprecated. Use @switchboard-xyz/common#FeedHash.compute instead.

  • Fetches signatures from a random gateway on the queue.

    REST API endpoint: /api/v1/fetch_signatures


    • program: Program<Idl>
    • params: {
          gateway?: string;
          jobs: OracleJob[];
          maxVariance?: bigint;
          minResponses?: number;
          numSignatures?: number;
          queue: PublicKey;
          recentHash?: string;
      • Optional gateway?: string
      • jobs: OracleJob[]
      • Optional maxVariance?: bigint
      • Optional minResponses?: number
      • Optional numSignatures?: number
      • queue: PublicKey
      • Optional recentHash?: string

    Returns Promise<FeedEvalResponse[]>

    A promise that resolves to the feed evaluation responses.


    if the request fails.

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