Properties of a TwapTask.

interface ITwapTask {
    aggregatorPubkey?: string;
    endingUnixTimestamp?: number;
    endingUnixTimestampTask?: ICronParseTask;
    minSamples?: number;
    period?: number;
    weightByPropagationTime?: boolean;

Implemented by


aggregatorPubkey?: string

The target aggregator for the TWAP.

endingUnixTimestamp?: number

Ending unix timestamp to collect values up to

endingUnixTimestampTask?: ICronParseTask

Execute the task to get the ending unix timestamp

minSamples?: number

Minimum number of samples in the history to calculate a valid result

period?: number

Period, in seconds, the twap should account for

weightByPropagationTime?: boolean

Weight samples by their propagation time

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