Properties of a LpTokenPriceTask.

interface ILpTokenPriceTask {
    mercurialPoolAddress?: string;
    orcaPoolAddress?: string;
    priceFeedAddresses?: string[];
    priceFeedJobs?: IOracleJob[];
    raydiumPoolAddress?: string;
    saberPoolAddress?: string;
    useFairPrice?: boolean;

Implemented by


mercurialPoolAddress?: string

Mercurial finance pool address. A full list can be found here:

orcaPoolAddress?: string

Orca pool address. A full list can be found here:

priceFeedAddresses?: string[]

A list of Switchboard aggregator accounts used to calculate the fair LP price. This ensures the price is based on the previous round to mitigate flash loan price manipulation.

priceFeedJobs?: IOracleJob[]

A list of OracleJobs to execute in order to yield the price feed jobs to use for the fair price formula.

raydiumPoolAddress?: string

The Raydium liquidity pool ammId. A full list can be found here:

saberPoolAddress?: string

Saber pool address. A full list can be found here:

useFairPrice?: boolean

If enabled and price_feed_addresses provided, the oracle will calculate the fair LP price based on the liquidity pool reserves. See our blog post for more information:

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