Properties of a ComparisonTask.

interface IComparisonTask {
    lhs?: IOracleJob;
    lhsValue?: string;
    onFailure?: IOracleJob;
    onFailureValue?: string;
    onFalse?: IOracleJob;
    onFalseValue?: string;
    onTrue?: IOracleJob;
    onTrueValue?: string;
    op?: Operation;
    rhs?: IOracleJob;
    rhsValue?: string;

Implemented by


lhs?: IOracleJob

OracleJob where the executed result is equal to the left hand side operand.

lhsValue?: string

String or ${CACHE_KEY} representing the left hand side operand.

onFailure?: IOracleJob

The OracleJob to execute if the condition fails to evaluate.

onFailureValue?: string

The result to use if the condition fails to evaluate. Can be set to a ${CACHE_KEY}.

onFalse?: IOracleJob

The OracleJob to execute if the condition evaluates to false.

onFalseValue?: string

The result to use if the condition evaluates to false. Can be set to a ${CACHE_KEY}.

onTrue?: IOracleJob

The OracleJob to execute if the condition evaluates to true.

onTrueValue?: string

The result to use if the condition evaluates to true. Can be set to a ${CACHE_KEY}.

The type of operator to use on the left (lhs) and right (rhs) operand.

rhs?: IOracleJob

OracleJob where the executed result is equal to the right hand side operand.

rhsValue?: string

String or ${CACHE_KEY} representing the right hand side operand.

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